Call Us

+1-(212) 967-7222

Our Location

324 east 95th st, new york, NY.


Repair Services That We Offer

Discover the Wide Array of Professional Repair Services We Provide for Your Vehicle

General Auto Repair

The company offers comprehensive General Auto Repair, covering all basic vehicle maintenance and repair needs.

Computer Diagnostic

The company offers Computer Diagnostic services, utilizing advanced technology to quickly identify and resolve vehicle electronic issues.

Charging Repair

The company offers Charging System Repair to ensure reliable vehicle battery charging and electrical performance.

System Repair

The company offers System Repair services, ensuring smooth and reliable vehicle operation.

Emissions Inspection

The company conducts Emissions Inspections to ensure vehicles meet environmental standards.

Exclusive Services

Great Car Services

Expert Maintenance for Optimal Performance


    The company offers precise Engine Diagnostics to identify and resolve engine issues for optimal performance.


    The company offers comprehensive System Service, ensuring all vehicle systems function smoothly for reliable performance.


    The company specializes in Technical Repairs, ensuring vehicles' mechanical and technical issues are resolved efficiently and effectively.

Auto Maintenance FAQs

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